Yale co-ed along with the sailing team comprising of women heads towards warm water after winter during the spring break.

Chrissie Klingler’20 states that there had been many tough teams. Hence, he had been happy to watch the team walk away with their win. Albeit, there is plenty of work to be done all along the season, everyone is putting in great effort till now. As a matter of fact, they have been sailing quite well.
The regatta of the co-ed team in the last weekend has marked the first of their races in New England. Even though Saturday is featuring excessive wind for racing, Sunday’s race display intense competition in between different high ranking teams such as number 3 Stanford and number 1 Bulldogs. In spite of the capability of the opponents, Elis has sailed to make win and end up in the first place. While, on the other hand, Stanford and Roger Williams finished in the third and second place, respectively.
After Shawn Harvey ’21, Klingler was to be the skipper but he fell ill. However, as Sunday approached, Harvey had been able to hop on the boat. Harvey stated that they had been truly happy to win this weekend but they knew that they did not sail their best. The weekend showed a lack of sailing. It was the speed which helps them with the win. He believes that a week of practice will be able to get them on track.